Today I want to be my dog



It’s raining hard with gusts of wind slashing water sideways, dark enough at 7am to turn on the lights. If it were Sunday, I would turn over and snooze another hour.

Then I take a look at my dog and marvel at her curled up on a soft cushion, inside yet overlooking the yard. Today I want to be my dog – or any day, for that matter.

As I went about my duties of driving to school, picking up the dry clean, turning on my computer I mused – why not be my dog today and what would that be like?

   I would depend on someone to feed me and provide water and shelter. If I do not misbehave, it will be ok.    Sort of like working for the government, being tenured.
   I get to chase all bunnies that cross my path.   I am having fun.
   I will bark at intruders.   I am fearless.
   I get to snooze in a little girl’s soft bed.  Like having a massage every day.
  I get petted, I get treats for doing silly tricks.   I got your number!
  I can roam the hillside off leash.   This world belongs to me.
  Sometimes I am bathed but I got over that, it only happens once in a while.   Sort of like not leaving the house in PJs and brushing my teeth.

Asking yourself what would you choose if you were your dog, is a bit like the Steve Jobs’ mantra of “Is this a day you want the rest of your life be like.” It’s about not postponing the things that matter, it’s about not taking on one more project you do not enjoy because someone gotta do it. It means to run off leash and think that’s a perfectly normal way of spending the day.

If you have a career you love, you will choose to go to work – not because you have to but because it’s what excites you, it’s where you want to be. People often ask me: “How do I find a job I love?” The one key question to finding your dream job is – will this place, this job, this career, allow me to honor my values and can I do what I am best at?

It’s not about the type of job, or the industry – yes, build upon your experience, training and connections, but do not get stuck on one direction. Picture what it’s like to shop at Costco and know people get paid $20 per hour plus health insurance for bagging your groceries, instead of Walmart where you know they cannot make a living wage.

If this is too radical to consider, you may start with one small change Today. Just for one day, seek out the people, the tasks, the environment that make you happy, relaxed, engaged and at ease. If the nay-sayers call upon you, tell them you’ll get back to them later. By taking control of just one element of your day, you can turn it into a perfect 10. And don’t be surprised if this is your most productive and creative work day.

Tomorrow will be better



I just returned from living abroad for three years and getting used to following US politics on a daily basis again, I am very curious about the Government Shutdown. In India, chaos is the daily news: politicians go to jail and continue to rule from their cells, corruption is so rampant that there is no infrastructure except for privately funded projects, yet the Indian government knows how to watch the money. Right now, they are seriously limiting the amount of petrol as they do not have any oil of their own, rising petrol prices bring the Indian Rupee into a downward spin which an already ailing economy cannot afford.

Here, in the US of A, no one around me shows any concerns. Unless you are one of the furloughed government workers – I met one so far. The rest keep going as if nothing were the matter, and today stocks shot up on the news that “talks are looking more promising.” Observing this, makes me ponder what’s behind the common belief that “tomorrow will be better” and therefore it’s okay to live on the fringe, one tiny step away from disaster.

I learned from a financial adviser that one in ten who is seeking her help, will come back after hearing some hard truths. In other words, they come looking for a quick fix in their late years of earning, never having considered the power of compound interest. High earners are living hand to mouth because the stock options will save them, even if they don’t have any now, the next job will bring the bounty. Some will try a quick monetary diet on their own, such as cancelling the $2,000 earthquake insurance policy while driving a $100,000 car. She had a term for that – small time scrimping and big time screwing up.

Another one told me that routinely people have to take out a loan to pay the taxes on their stock gains, long spent the previous year without concern for their tax obligations.

As I am coaching the spouses of high earners, women who had the privilege of staying home to raise their children and now want to start a new career, one of the most common obstacles are their husbands telling them not to rock the boat. Stay where you are, take care of the kids a few more years, and then look for something. Or reminding them that as they are already in the highest income tax bracket, any additional earnings they bring in means very little real money.


But here is another story, of a woman who kicked all that aside and is now working her way into a new business she started, learning and making adjustments along the way, steadily picking up new clients and making a real difference to her family budget.

There is no better tomorrow than today – connect with me to see how you can tackle your new career, financial freedom and finding recognition outside your home office. The first step is moving beyond all the myriad reasons why one should not even try, and then power up to see yourself succeed.

Read more about The Top 10 Things every woman should know about how to get started in a new career.